Tim Bohen’s Ultimate Guide to Part Time Trading Reviewed

July 28, 2023

In the world of stock trading, individuals often assume that a trader’s life revolves solely around monitoring market fluctuations and executing complex strategies in front of the computer screen all day long. However, this isn’t necessarily the case. Thanks to innovative approaches and time-efficient strategies, even those with regular day jobs can unlock the potential of the stock trading world through an accessible and profitable avenue.

Tim Bohen’s “The Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading” is a valuable resource for anyone looking to venture into the trading landscape while maintaining their everyday obligations. This comprehensive guide, available on Amazon and StocksToTrade, has proven to be an essential tool for aspiring traders. With insightful tips and strategies tailored to the needs of part-time traders, this guide helps users develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become self-sufficient day traders without being glued to the computer all day.

Whether you’re an absolute beginner or an experienced trader looking to scale back your full-time involvement in the market, Bohen’s thorough, easy-to-understand guide aims to empower you to generate a substantial income by trading part-time. As you delve into this resource, you’ll learn the fundamentals of trading such as stock basics, order types, and chart reading, as well as the necessary strategies to thrive in this fast-paced environment.

Tim Bohen’s Background and Credentials

Tim Bohen is a well-respected figure in the world of trading, with years of experience under his belt. His background in both trading and teaching makes him a reliable authority to discuss the ins and outs of part-time trading. In this section, we will explore Tim Bohen’s professional experience and education, shedding light on the expertise he brings to the table in his Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading.

Professional Experience

As a dedicated trader and mentor, Tim Bohen has honed his skills through years of navigating the financial markets. He currently serves as the Lead Trainer for the SteadyTrade Team, a popular trading education and mentorship program offered through StocksToTrade. His focus is on guiding others to develop their trading knowledge and become self-sufficient traders.

In addition to his work with SteadyTrade, Tim Bohen runs a trading advisory service called StocksToTrade Advisory (STT Advisory). This service provides subscribers with access to his latest trade ideas, research, and pre-market trade analysis through detailed monthly research letters.


While specific information regarding Tim Bohen’s formal education is not readily available, his prominent role as a mentor and trainer in the trading community attests to his extensive knowledge in the field. He has authored a comprehensive guide called The Ultimate Guide To Part-Time Trading, which aims to equip aspiring traders with the skills and understanding necessary to navigate the world of day trading.

In his teachings, Tim Bohen emphasizes the importance of focusing on a specific niche, maintaining a trading journal, and learning from experience. With his expertise and commitment to helping others, Tim Bohen continues to contribute to the growth and development of both new and seasoned traders in the world of part-time trading.

Part-Time Trading Fundamentals

Essential Concepts

Part-time trading is an attractive option for many individuals who want to generate income without spending all day staring at their screens. Tim Bohen’s Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading is designed to help you understand the fundamentals of trading and develop the skills needed to be a successful part-time trader.

At its core, part-time trading involves understanding market psychology, managing risk, and developing a personalized trading plan that suits your individual goals and availability. With an emphasis on trading basics such as order types, reading stock charts, and how to stay disciplined, Tim Bohen’s guide equips you with the knowledge to make informed decisions in the market.


In the comprehensive guide, Bohen shares various strategies, which have been proven successful in generating income through part-time trading. Some of the noteworthy strategies covered in the guide are:

  • Swing trading: This is a popular approach for part-time traders, as positions are held for a few days to several weeks, offering the potential to profit from short- to medium-term price movements while not requiring constant attention to the market.
  • Technical analysis: Learning to analyze stock charts, including support and resistance levels, moving averages, and trendlines, enables part-time traders to identify potential high-probability trade setups.
  • Risk management: To preserve capital and stay in the game, part-time traders need to utilize solid risk management principles such as setting stop-loss orders, defining risk-reward ratios, and not risking more than a certain percentage of their trading account on a single trade.
  • Trading around catalysts: Focusing on stocks with news-driven events or other potential catalysts can lead to increased volatility and trading opportunities for part-time market participants.

Tim Bohen’s Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading is a valuable resource that provides guidance on incorporating these strategies, along with many others, into a part-time trading plan. By building a strong foundation of knowledge and utilizing the strategies shared by Bohen, aspiring part-time traders can maximize their potential for success in the stock market.

Tools and Resources for Part-Time Traders

Part-time trading requires a combination of reliable tools and timely resources to ensure success in the market. In this section, we will discuss the key elements to consider, including choosing a suitable trading platform and conducting market research.

Trading Platform

It’s essential for part-time traders to use a user-friendly trading platform that streamlines the trading process. One such platform, endorsed by veteran trader Tim Bohen, is StocksToTrade.

StocksToTrade offers various features tailored for part-time traders, such as:

  • Pre-built Scanners: Quickly find the stocks that match your specific trading criteria.
  • Customizable Watchlists: Organize and track the stocks you’re interested in for easy reference.
  • Advanced Charting Tools: Analyze stock movement with various technical indicators to make informed trading decisions.

Market Research

To succeed in part-time trading, keeping up-to-date with market information is crucial. Tim Bohen’s Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading provides invaluable insights and outlines the following market research strategies:

  • Identify Top Stock Picks: Access Bohen’s monthly research letters to learn about his top three stock picks and the rationale behind them.
  • Stay Informed on Market Trends: Remain up-to-date with the latest market news and trends by leveraging resources like financial news websites and stock market analysis platforms.
  • Following Influential Traders: Gain insights from experienced traders by studying their trading methods, watching their video lessons, and reading their blogs.

By utilizing a suitable trading platform and conducting thorough market research, part-time traders can enhance their skills and knowledge, increasing their chances of success in the market.

Managing Risk and Emotions

Risk Management Techniques

In Tim Bohen’s Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading, he emphasizes the importance of risk management as a cornerstone of any successful trading strategy. Some key techniques he discusses include:

  • Position sizing: Adjusting the size of your trades to limit the potential loss on any single trade and avoiding overexposure.
  • Stop-loss orders: Predefining exit points for trades by setting automatic orders that trigger a sale when a certain price level is reached.
  • Diversification: Spreading risk across multiple stocks or sectors, reducing the impact of a single stock’s poor performance on your overall portfolio.
  • Risk-to-reward ratio: Evaluating the potential upside of a trade relative to its potential downside, allowing for better decision-making on which trades to enter.

Psychological Aspects

Bohen also delves into the psychological aspect of trading, providing insights and advice to help part-time traders maintain a healthy mindset. Some key points include:

  • Discipline: Sticking to a predefined trading plan and avoiding impulsive trades driven by emotions like fear or greed.
  • Patience: Waiting for the right opportunities and setups to present themselves, rather than forcing trades that may not fit your strategy.
  • Self-awareness: Recognizing your emotional state and its potential impact on your decision-making, helping you avoid letting emotions dictate your trading actions.
  • Managing expectations: Setting realistic goals and not expecting overnight success, which helps maintain motivation and prevent overtrading or excessive risk-taking.

By incorporating these risk management techniques and paying attention to the psychological aspects of trading in his Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading, Tim Bohen provides valuable insights and guidance for traders looking to succeed in the market, while maintaining a balanced approach to their trading activities.

Building a Trading Plan

One of the key aspects of Tim Bohen’s Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading is building a solid trading plan. A trading plan is crucial for part-time traders as it helps them develop a focused, disciplined approach to their trading activities. In this section, we will discuss the two important sub-sections of a trading plan: setting goals and developing a routine.

Setting Goals

The first step to creating a successful trading plan is to set realistic, achievable goals. This will help you stay motivated and work towards your long-term objectives in a structured manner. Your goals should be:

  • Specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve, whether it be a certain amount of profit or a specific number of successful trades.
  • Measurable: Be able to track and quantify your progress, allowing you to analyze your performance and make necessary adjustments.
  • Attainable: Set goals that are challenging, yet achievable within your current skillset and resources.
  • Relevant: Ensure your goals align with your overall trading objectives and long-term financial plan.
  • Time-based: Set a timeframe for when you want to achieve your goals, to maintain a sense of urgency and commitment.

It is essential to frequently review and reassess your goals, adjusting them as necessary based on your progress or changing market conditions.

Developing a Routine

A well-established routine is crucial for part-time traders to maximize their efficiency and ensure they can dedicate the necessary time and focus to trading. A successful trading routine can be broken down into three main components:

1. Pre-market preparation:

  • Review global market news and events, paying close attention to any potential catalysts that may impact the stocks you are trading.
  • Scrutinize your watchlist, targeting stocks with strong fundamentals and technical setups.
  • Set up your trading platform with relevant charts, indicators, and news feeds.

2. Trading session:

  • Strictly adhere to your trading rules and risk management guidelines.
  • Execute your trades diligently and consistently, avoiding emotional decision-making.
  • Monitor your open positions, adjusting stop losses and taking profits as necessary.

3. Post-market analysis:

  • Analyze your trading performance, identifying any successes or areas for improvement.
  • Update your trading journal with details on your trades and any lessons learned.
  • Revise your watchlist, incorporating any new information or insights gained during the trading session.

Developing and adhering to a consistent trading routine enables part-time traders to approach the markets with discipline, structure, and focus, resulting in greater success and long-term profitability.

Trading Community and Support

Finding a Mentor

When embarking on your part-time trading journey, it’s helpful to have guidance from someone with experience. In Tim Bohen’s Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading, he emphasizes the importance of finding a mentor. A mentor can share their expertise, help you navigate challenges, and provide valuable feedback as you develop your trading skills.

When seeking a mentor, it’s crucial to find someone who aligns with your trading style and objectives. Take the time to research potential mentors, review their track records, and learn from their approaches to trading. Keep in mind that a reputable mentor should be transparent about their successes and setbacks.

Participating in Forums

In addition to finding a mentor, engaging with the trading community plays an essential role in your success as a part-time trader. Participating in online forums allows you to exchange ideas, discuss trading strategies, and benefit from the collective wisdom of experienced traders. Bohen suggests joining various trading communities to learn from others and build connections.

Popular trading forums include:

  • StockTwits: A social media platform specifically for traders, allowing users to share stock ideas and market insights.
  • Reddit’s WallStreetBets: A lively and controversial subreddit dedicated to stock trading and investment discussions.
  • EliteTrader: A forum featuring threads on a wide range of trading topics, including strategies, tools, and brokerage reviews.

Remember to contribute to online forums thoughtfully and respectfully, as they can be a valuable resource for growth and learning in part-time trading.

Evaluating Performance and Growth

Tracking Progress

Tracking progress is an essential aspect of becoming a successful part-time trader. Tim Bohen’s Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading emphasizes the importance of monitoring trades closely and using a trading journal to record various aspects of each trade. This includes:

  • Entry and exit prices
  • Trade duration
  • Position size
  • Market conditions

By maintaining a detailed trading journal, traders become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses and can identify patterns in their trading behavior that may be affecting their overall performance.

Adjusting Strategies

To continuously improve as a part-time trader, it is crucial to be open to adjusting strategies based on the insights gained from tracking progress. For example, if a trader notices that a particular strategy is consistently underperforming, they should either revise, optimize, or abandon it in favor of a better-performing one.

Bohen’s Ultimate Guide introduces various trading tactics and risk management techniques designed specifically for part-time trading. As the market evolves and traders gain more experience, they may need to tweak these strategies to suit their own individual preferences and risk tolerance levels.

The key to consistent growth and improvement in part-time trading is being adaptable and committed to analyzing one’s performance, adjusting strategies as needed, and applying the lessons learned from past trades to future decision-making.

Key Takeaways

In Tim Bohen’s The Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading, he shares his insights and experiences as a successful part-time trader. This book offers valuable guidance for those looking to generate income from trading without having to spend all day staring at their computers.

The book presents a practical approach to developing trading skills, allowing readers to focus on the trades that matter and will actually grow their accounts. Bohen’s expertise is further demonstrated through his role as the Head Trader for StocksToTrade Advisory, where he provides trade ideas, research, and pre-market trade analysis.

The Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading is a valuable resource for any aspiring trader who wants to learn how to effectively balance trading with other life commitments. It offers a detailed breakdown of the trading landscape, ensuring readers have a solid foundation for future success in the markets.

Given Bohen’s lifetime interest in finance and trading, coupled with his achievements as a part-time trader, it’s safe to say that his book should be a beneficial addition to any trader’s library. Potential readers can find comfort in the book’s 4.0 out of the 1* rating on Amazon, which further speaks to its value.

To summarize, Tim Bohen’s The Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading is a valuable read for anyone interested in getting into trading without committing full-time hours. Its mix of tried-and-tested strategies and practical advice make it a worthy investment for aspiring traders looking to grow their accounts and achieve success in the markets.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key takeaways from Tim Bohen’s Part-Time Trading guide?

Tim Bohen’s Ultimate Guide to Part-Time Trading is designed to help individuals trade stocks while maintaining their regular jobs. The guide focuses on equipping traders with the skills and knowledge required for self-sufficient day trading. It covers the trading basics, different order types, and how to read a stock chart.

How does Tim Bohen simplify trading concepts for beginners?

In the guide, Bohen presents complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner, making it suitable for beginners. By providing step-by-step explanations and elaborating on the essential aspects of trading, Bohen enables new traders to grasp the fundamentals of part-time trading quickly and efficiently.

What kind of trading does Tim Bohen advocate for in his guide?

Bohen’s guide promotes a trading approach that is adaptable to an individual’s schedule, allowing traders to generate income without having to spend an entire day staring at a computer screen. He also emphasizes developing a trading strategy that aligns with one’s personal trading goals, risk tolerance, and available capital.

How does Tim Bohen’s guide help in developing a trading strategy?

The guide offers insights into various trading strategies, including those used by professional traders. It discusses the importance of market analysis, potential entry and exit points, risk management techniques, and the optimal use of trading tools to streamline the process. This information enables readers to build their own tailored trading strategies.

Are there any practical examples shared in Tim Bohen’s guide to help understand trading?

Yes, Bohen shares practical examples in his guide to emphasize key concepts and demonstrate how different trading strategies are employed in real-life scenarios. By using relatable examples, the guide allows readers to better grasp complex ideas and develop their trading skills.

How compatible is Tim Bohen’s guide with various trading platforms?

Tim Bohen’s guide doesn’t focus on any specific trading platform. Instead, it teaches universal trading concepts and strategies that can be applied across multiple platforms. By providing a broad understanding of trading fundamentals, the guide allows users to adapt their trading approach to various platforms and market conditions.

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